Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I know I said I would post last Friday, but the weekend turned out to be very busy. Niktoberfest (Friday), Niktoberfest continued (Saturday), wedding in Vermont (Sunday 10/10/10), Segment 1 test (Columbus day) (Monday).


Nicole's birthday was a blast. I think everything went well and Nicole had a ton of fun, which is the most important thing. Thank you to everybody that came. Friend's of ours brought their 6m/o puppy (Jasmine) and Bowie had a blast playing with her. She was timid at first but Bowie is not shy and after awhile they were romping around like crazy dogs. I feel like it was a really good experience for him. He hasn't had a chance to really socialize 1 on 1 with a puppy.

The festivities continued the next day as family arrived and friends returned from the night before. Niki's mom brought food and cake for all and gifts were given. Our other friends brought their 8w/o puppy Lucy (yes, another puppy). Bowie behaved much differently compared to the night before with Jasmine, much more calm and reserved, but I feel this also was a good experience for him. We all took off across the GI bridge to check out the Oktoberfest at Brown's Brewing Co. Not much to say about Brown's. We had the dogs with us which constrained us to one area.

We woke up early and hit the road to Manchester VT for friends Tim & Becky's wedding. It was a really nice day and the drive up was beautiful. The wedding itself was great. I felt kind of awkward most of the day since I really didn't know anybody there (except the couple and another couple), but toward the evening I finally began to loosen up. Met a lot of T&B's friends, all cool people. We finally hit the road for home around 11pm after remembering that I had to take a test at 8am.

I am so glad that we made it home safely. On the trip back, we saw 1. a deer, 2. a family of raccoons, 3. a fox, 4. an opossum, and 5. a cat. All were either crossing the road or had just crossed as we were driving through.

That's pretty much it. Columbus day was weekend recovery day. I had to go in to school to take our segment 1 test. It was rough getting out of bed, but I made it in. I aced both the test and my project! Go me!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oh so Spongey.

I am a happy sponge.

Been feeling really great a lot recently; And it has really improved my relationships and self-esteem. This weekend was incredible and my week has been all positive. The past month has been a lot of fun and has gone by so fast. I have absorbed so much information and it feels good to know that it's sticking. It feel like up until a month ago that I was strolling along in the slow lane, but now I'm being whisked away in smooth sailing expressway. For the first time in awhile I can see a future for myself that I actually look forward to.


I have begun to notice that listening to music while I'm shooting video really helps push my creativity. I guess maybe the beat and rhythm help me in pacing my shots, or help me visualize certain frames and composition. Not certain exactly why, but I know it definitely helps me so I'm going to continue.

One last thing,

This week's post was kind of short, but I don't want to break my stride. Plus, I'm thinking later in the week I will post again. I'd like to talk a bit about how my musical and other influences have affected me.

Stay tuned!